Tuesday, 3 February 2015


Yesterday was spent hanging out with my nephews, playing the role of nanny. I’m going to be honest, kids freak me out a bit. I love them, but I’m just not sure what to do with them.

So, with my questionable parenting skills in hand, we headed off for fun-filled afternoon at the Brookfield Zoo.

But before this we visited the supermarket and bought a fabulous tripod floor lamp! I dreamed about it for a long time and now finally my dream came true.

Zoo. There were lions, tigers and bears and oh yeah, bribery in the form of an Icee.

Don’t judge me, there is nothing wrong with bribing a kid with an Icee. Especially if they have never had one before and it keeps me out of Stingray Bay.

Stingray Bay, for those you are not familiar, is an exhibit at the zoo were parents and their sweaty, cranky kids crowd together to pet stingrays. Basically, it’s hell on earth. So, if an Icee was going to keep me out of it, an Icee is what they were going to get!

The rest of the day was filled with mom things, like little league baseball games, dinner and wine. Oh, do normal mothers not drink wine on a Monday night? Hmm, not sure if this gig is for me…

I’ll post a recap later tonight when I get home my from little adventure. Like the amateur blogger that I am, I left my camera cord back in Milwaukee…

Now if you’ll excuse me, I just dropped the kids off at summer school and mommy need an Irish coffee.